viernes, 25 de marzo de 2016

Planning a Stop Motion Class with Flipped Learning.

Description of the learning objective, what do you want the students to understand after this lesson?
Applying Bloom's Taxonomy, as shown in figure 1. I selected some objectives for this lesson.

Remember: Student must create his own definition of Stop Motion Video
Understand: Student must select an adequate software (smartphone, tablet) to do a stop-motion story.
Apply: Students must use Stop/Motion to create a Story of the class.
Analyze: Students must differentiate Stop/Motion tools and Stop/Motion techniques.
Justify: Students must justify why he is selecting a specific tool.
Create: Students must create iteratively a stop motion video.

What is the pre-class content? This can be research, reading, watching a video or something else that prepares them for the activity in class. You need to stress to students that it is an active process: take notes from the video/reading, etc.
Student must create a google document in teams with the next outline:
2 uses of stop motion for each teammate. Add the links or the references. For example: 
Make a table with all the software tools for Tablet or for smartphones. At least 2 tools selected for each teammate.
Student must install these apps on their tablets or mobiles.
Students must re-create at least one exercise founded on the Internet.

How will you encourage (close to) the full participation of your students on the pre-class content? WSQ or a survey? A quick 1-minute video by them of their summary/questions?
Students will create a text document on Google Drive, upload it to Blackboard and create similar stop motion videos as the examples they have founded.

What are you planning to do in the classroom to actively apply the learning or dig deeper into the topic?
Take some clay. 
Give them an Aesop's Fables
They have to create with clay the characters of the fable
They have to make the fable with the tools they have just installed in their smartphones or tablets
They have to upload it to the Facebook group and to Blackboard

How are you going to evaluate the activity afterward? 
Students must evaluate the activity (What did they like about it? And What should I Add, Eliminate or Change to Make it Better?) And I am going to my own reflection about it.

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